The Microclimate DataBase (MDB)

The MDB is the core data source for the MEB-community, and currently consist of over 100.000 time series from more than 100 countries across the globe, submitted by more than a thousand data contributors. The database is still under development and data is not yet open access.

​Metadata of the first part of our database can however already be freely explored.

Clicking on the map below brings you to the microclimate loggers app, an effort to bring together all available microclimate data from across the globe. Metadata of all datasets submitted to SoilTemp 1.0 can be freely explored there. All data submitted since the start of 2023 is not visible their, however, as we are currently in the mids of a major overhaul of the database. Expect an update on our database in the coming months! (map courtesy of the Environment and Sustainability Institute of the University of Exeter).

We also welcoming project proposals for use of the database. Data access will soon be facilitated through an integrated web interface, allowing users to select and request specific datasets by submitting a short project proposal. Each proposal is reviewed by the MDB database management committee (consisting of database managers, and representative data owners and data users). Most data will be available open access under a CC-BY-license (requiring citation of the database publication and the DOI of the dataset they used). For some datasets – available under a C-license only – the management committee may seek additional validation from data owners. The management committee further ensures there is no overlap or conflicts between research projects.

For use of specific datasets, you can also directly contact the respective regional contact persons as found on the map. 

For submission of your own data to the MDB, see ‘How to submit data